
Anxiety Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

The word "anxiety" means fear, worry, or nervousness regarding an uncertain outcome of something. It is unavoidable to have some anxiety in a situation, e.g., while giving a long speech or owing to a life-changing incident, but one needs something beyond irrational worry or fear to establish anxiety disorders. With the patient with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety will never subside and increases in intensity over time, leading to interference with daily living, working, and interpersonal relationships. Rehabs like “Athena Behavioural Health” may help to treat the Anxiety disorder or other related ailments.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

There are several types of anxiety disorders with diverse symptoms and etiological agents. The most prevalent ones are:

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

It is characterized by persistent worry, excessive worry, and tension that also persists even when there is little or nothing to provoke it. GAD individuals also struggle with worry and, at times, experience physical complaints like fatigue, headache, and muscle tension.

2. Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is characterized by repeated, unprovoked panic attack and fear of the return of the attack. Panic attack is acute onset intense fright with palpitations, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, and feeling of impending doom.

3. Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)

Social anxiety disorder entails excessive self-consciousness and fear of normal social situations. Patients with social anxiety disorder can be concerned with embarrassment, judgment, or humiliation in the social situation that creates social avoidance.

4. Specific Phobias

An overabundance of fear for a specific object or situation, including spiders, flying, or being in high places, is known as specific phobias. The fear does not relate proportionally to the danger presented by the object or situation and will result in avoiding the object or situation.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorder symptoms differ from disorder to disorder but some of the common symptoms include:

  • Excessive Worry: Severe and noticeable worry about an aspect of life, i.e., work, health, or relationships. Worry not under voluntary control and does impair functioning.
  • Restlessness: Feeling keyed up or restless and a sensation of impending danger or doom. Impairs being not able to concentrate or not able to enjoy things.
  • Tachycardia: Rapid heart rate or palpitations, often accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the chest. This can be particularly alarming during a panic attack.
  • Sweating: Excessive sweating, even in a cold setting, without any apparent cause. It is embarrassing and can be a source of tension.

Causes of Anxiety Disorder

The reason for anxiety disorders is yet not known, but it is supposed to involve psychology, environment, and genetics. Some of the potential reasons include:

  • Brain Chemistry: Unbalance in neurotransmitter in serotonin and dopamine creates anxiety disorders. These are the chemicals that regulate mood and anxiety.
  • Environmental Causes: Traumatic event, like abuse, death of a loved one, or a significant life change, may be the reason for anxiety disorders. Stress, like workplace stress or financial problems, can be a factor as well.
  • Personality: Some personality types, like shyness or worry-proneness, lay one prone to an anxiety disorder. People with low self-esteem or a negative attitude towards life are also vulnerable.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions like thyroid disease, heart disease, or chronic pain might induce or aggravate anxiety symptoms. Alcohol and drug addiction are causatives of anxiety disorder as well.

Diagnosis Process of Anxiety Disorder

Diagnosis of anxiety disorder is generally based on extended assessment by a mental health practitioner. Assessment can include:

  • Clinical Interview: Thorough interviewing of the symptoms, past medical history, and past trauma or stressors. The clinician can inquire about the duration of symptoms, their severity, and how they affected normal functioning.
  • Psychological Questionnaires: Standardized or self-report questionnaires to measure the level of symptoms of anxiety. They may be useful in determining the type of anxiety disorders.
  • Physical Exam: Physical examination to exclude any underlying medical illness that may be causing or contributing to anxiety symptoms. Blood work or other testing is requested as necessary.
  • Diagnostic Criteria: Symptoms are going to be compared with criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the physician to diagnose. This manual is used to give criteria for diagnosis of several mental disorders.

Treatment of Anxiety Disorder at Best Rehab Centre in Gurgaon

Anxiety disorder treatment is usually a mix of lifestyle change, therapy, and medication. The most frequent procedures of treatment are:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT is a method of psychotherapy that deals with the recognition and modification of thought patterns and maladaptive behaviour. CBT is very successful in treating anxiety disorder and can train an individual to cope with the situation.
  • Medication: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and benzodiazepines are most commonly prescribed for anxiety disorders. They can be given to normalize brain chemistry and diminish symptoms.
  • Exposure Therapy: Exposure therapy is a form of therapy in which the patient is progressively exposed to the feared object or situation within a controlled and secure environment. It diminishes the fear reaction over time.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation are some of the techniques that can relieve symptoms of anxiety. They induce relaxation and stress reduction.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Exercise, healthy eating, and sleep can reduce symptoms of anxiety. Caffeine and alcohol intake can also be reduced.

Prevention of Anxiety Disorder

Although it cannot be prevented, there are certain practices that can prevent anxiety disorders and enhance symptoms:

  • Stress Management: Stress management skills, i.e., meditation, yoga, and mindfulness, can be acquired and practiced by which development of anxiety disorders is avoided.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: e.g., daily exercise, healthy diet, and sound sleep, can be cultivated in order to control anxiety. Prevention of drug abuse must also be ensured.
  • Social Support: Establishing and sustaining an effective social network can give emotional support and lower feelings of loneliness. Discussing your concerns with family and friends may lower anxiety.
  • Early Intervention: Early treatment when you first experience symptoms of anxiety can stop it from getting worse. Early treatment could result in better outcomes and treatment.


Anxiety disorders are not only treatable but rather prevalent mental illnesses with a long-lasting effect on quality of life. It is necessary to be aware of symptoms, causes, and treatments so that you can effectively control anxiety. If you or the person sitting beside you are tormented with anxiety, you need to consult a mental health professional for advice. With proper care and treatment, it is definite that anxiety can be managed, and you can enjoy an active life. Keep in mind, you are not alone and assistance is available.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Anxiety might feel like being too on edge, restless, racing heartbeat, or like something terrible is going to occur.
Deep breathe, get breathing, or attempt breathing to settle the body and mind.
Identify triggers, visit a therapist, take care of yourself, and if necessary, seek professional assistance.
Yes, of course, anxiety could lead to chest pain through muscle tension, over breathing, or increased stress response.
Use the 5-4-3-2-1 breathing technique, practice slow breathing, or redirect yourself with a relaxation activity.

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